Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Five months.

I can't believe our little bear is five months old today. Blessed are the people who tell you over and over how fast it goes, because it really does and you better soak it up. Sometimes I look at Finn while he's sitting up in his high chair eating big boy food and think 'Weren't you just a newborn?' Yet at the same time, I can't for the life of me remember what he looked like then.

Some of his favorite things recently are…

-Food! He has only been getting baby food for the last few days, but  now whenever he is in his high chair and we have food he wants it. Like really wants it. So far he is getting sweet potatoes, carrots, applesauce, and bananas.

-Napping. This kid gets a little more awesome everyday. He has finally started napping better, the last thing to go is the night time sleep! He still wakes up at least 3 times a night (but usually more like 5!)

-Playing with his toes.

-Saying "Ba ba ba ba ba" with a very serious tone, it really sounds like he is talking to someone.

-His new exersaucer that we got him for Christmas (and of course gave to him early)

-Scooching around the living room on his belly, he will probably be crawling in no time.

-Riding in his stroller like a big boy, this kid loves to shop!

And his least favorite thing this month has been his two bottom teeth coming in. We can see and feel the little bumps but aren't sure when they are finally going to break through!

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