Thursday, November 8, 2012

You don't have to pretend.

Don't try to be fancy, just be real.

It's okay to...

Not say "we" on your website if there's just one of you.

Turn down a job you really, really don't want to do. If you say yes the photo's wont turn out good anyways.

To do a job you really do want to do for free. Fun times!

To blog "personal" photo's, what are "impersonal" photo's anyways?

To not show the world that shoot you did with the family who insisted on wearing all white.

Add your clients as friends on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, but choose not to follow their wedding Pinterest board.

But it's not okay to...

Make up prices based on what you think people are willing to pay. You won't make a single dime. If you're comfortable charging it, it's probably too low.

Say yes to a free job if you don't want to. Even if your friends/sister/uncle make you feel guilty about it. They should be ashamed!

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