Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Welcome to my brand new blog

(This paragraph might seem a little vain, but please bare with me). Over the years I've felt called to entrepreneurship. I have always been a natural leader and planner. I'm not afraid to take risks, I'm not afraid to fail, and most importantly, I insist on succeeding. The latter is both a blessing and a curse, sometimes I don't know when to calm down and just be patient. I love managing everything. People, money, projects, it's just what I've always done. I also love learning about the ins and outs of marketing and advertising (no, they're not the same thing). Charlie and I will often go into a small business establishment and he'll have to listen to me breakdown all the ways the owner is failing to competitively differentiate their business. Again, sometimes this is a curse, like when Charlie just wants to eat his ice cream in peace.

Now I also have many things I'm not so good at, like doing my homework and taking tests. But I'm in school nonetheless. This is the logical side of my personality forcing myself to finish school because it's the smart thing to do, even though the other side of my brain is reminding me that school isn't for everyone. When it comes to learning about business or photography, however, you can't pull me away from the computer. I do a lot of reading and learning online, through other photographers and creative professionals, and I soak up everything like a sponge.

But overall, one of my favorite parts about owning my own business is learning personal lessons over time. The things that you can't teach someone from a book. There are deep, emotional struggles that come with not only owning your own business, but a creative business; one that is selling your art or your services to the world. Some businesses don't have a huge emotional aspect to them. "You want this candy bar?" "No, thanks." No hurt feelings.

So I have decided to start this blog to inspire other people who are starting a business, especially a creative one, or who are within their first few years. I will write about personal lessons I have learned so far, strategies that have succeeded and failed, marketing tactics I think are being overlooked, and how to succeed at being fearless, shameless, and insisting on yourself. The overall theme of my posts will be to insist on success. Insist on moving forward. No one is going to help you or hand anything to you, you must insist on succeeding.

So as I write, I want to hear from others. Please comment, ask questions, e-mail me. I want to connect with the other people out there who are walking the same path in life.


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