I have heard every pregnant woman I have ever talked to give the "I'm ready" speech, so I knew this time would come, but oh I wish I could find a way to get over these feelings. (Ya know, other than the fact that... I HAVE TO.) Here are my reasons for hoping that the next month and a half will FLY by!
1. I miss my husband.
This one almost doesn't make sense because I'm sure having a newborn and being sleep deprived isn't really going to spark up our romance, but I am just so darn tired of how irritable my hormones are making me. Again, I know it will most likely still be this way after delivery, I'm just looking five months down the road here...
2. I've got the pre-baby blues.
I'm terrified, anxious, excited, impatient, bored, unmotivated... the list goes on. Part of me just wants this baby here NOW, but the other part of me is SO SCARED for postpartum life. I am confident that once I hold my son in my arms, most of these emotions will seem so trivial and the joy will overwhelm me.
3. I am tired of being tired.
I have no energy or motivation. Charlie has been amazing and taking over a lot of the cooking and cleaning, which makes me feel awful! I have so much free time but no desire to do anything productive with it.
4. I don't want to gain anymore weight.
I know, I know, I'm such a hypocrite after writing this post a few weeks ago. But I have officially let myself go and am just riding it out until the end. I have gained as much weight as is "recommended" for pregnancy, and anymore will be excess that I don't need.
Okay, this is the hormones talking (and that I have ALWAYS hated being the center of attention), but seriously, we all got to this earth somehow and for most of us it was by a pregnant woman, so what's the big news? I got a big belly, go away.
6. I'm ready to start the next chapter of our lives.
To end this transition, to become a family, to have a routine.
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