After finding out we were pregnant at the end of November, we started planning a quickie wedding for January. After taking up counsel with our pastors, we realized that we were just jumping into it because we felt like it was our only option, so we decided to postpone it until we felt like it was God's time, not ours.
Back to March...
At this point Charlie and I had been going through counseling for nearly a year through our church. In January we started official "premarital" counseling and met weekly. That week after my moms accident, we tossed around ideas of eloping, and when we met with our counselor, we brought it up to him. He was supportive and encouraging, and gave us a step by step list of things to do and think about, including finding a place to live, where we would elope, and other wedding details. The next week was hard as we tried to find an apartment in the Seattle area. I replied to probably 30 ads on craigslist, and had maybe 5 return my calls. The places we looked at were not promising, and I was starting to lose hope again. At this point I was frustrated and discouraged. Everyone kept telling me that living at home was not a good situation for me while pregnant. I was trying to do everything in my power to change that, but I felt like God wasn't hearing my prayers.
As usual, I was wrong.
The next weekend we found our perfect apartment. I already had a great feeling about seeing it, but when the landlord called me and said we could look at it a day early and before anyone else, I knew this was God opening a door. We applied that night and were approved the next week. We started moving in and set a wedding date for April 6, about two weeks later.
The way that God opened doors for us from there on out was astounding and I had never experienced anything like it. It made it so clear to us that we were doing things in His timing. He had heard our prayers, and the wait was finally over!
We were married on a rainy Saturday afternoon on the shore of Lake Quinault. Only a few of our family and friends attended, about 15 I think, and it was all perfect. I will never forget the love that was bursting out of my heart for Charlie when we took our vows. I get butterflies just thinking about it.
Our photo's were taken by Ariana Lynee Photography, they were an amazing part of our day!
After the wedding and our relaxing night at the Rain Forest Resort (ahhhhmazing!), we came home and settled back into our new apartment. Charlie started school again on Monday, and before long we were in a full-blown-married-couple-routine. And we couldn't be happier :-)
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